Monday, 24 October 2016

Fizzing Lemonade Take two

We tried it again and this time success! The key was lots more flavour and lots more sugar because the last lot was so kawa. This time it was delicious. We even got bubbles just like coke.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Fizzing, Bubbling, Sherbet

We made sherbet as part of our topic today. It was very cool. The citric acid and bi-carbonate mix together with the saliva in our mouths to make a fizzy chemical reaction. We thought it was delicious, bubbly, fizzy, sour, soft, yummy and delicious. We took some photos of it fizzing in water and in our mouths. It's such a cool thing to make I'm going to make it at home.

Steady, Go!!!!
Te Rangituatea

Sunday, 16 October 2016

We tried to make fizzing lemonade and it was not good. Everyone said it had no taste. So we're going to try again next week. That's science for you though isn't it. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. Adjust your ingredients or method and try again.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Shake, Shake, Shake

Our topic this term is kitchen chemistry so today we made butter. It was so easy. Just pour cream into a container or jar and shake, shake, shake it up until it turns into butter. Here's a few photos of us shaking it up and eating bread spread with our delicious creamy butter. Keep an eye out for our next post on fizzing lemonade. Yummy can't wait!!
Cerah having a shake.

Summer's turn

Shake it up Monty

Mmmmmm it was so worth it. Delicious.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Welcome back room 9!!!
I hope you had an awesome holiday and are ready to do some really cool stuff this term. Here are some photos from our Junior Pasifika concert that we had last term. Don't we look awesome?

Keep an eye out for some kitchen chemistry experiments that we are doing this term. Maybe you could try some at home.